Alumni in the News

Alton DuLaney elected to city council, will be featured on Rachael Ray and Harry Connick Jr shows

Nov. 30, 2017

Alton DuLaney (B.F.A., Studio Art, 1995) will demonstrate holiday gift wrapping skills on Dec. 18 on "The Rachael Ray Show" and Dec. 21 on Harry Connick Jr.'s show, "Harry." DuLaney was also just elected to City Council in his hometown of Splendora, Texas.

Brandon Hendrix leads ensembles, music department at Eastern Oklahoma State College

Nov. 30, 2017 | Eastern Oklahoma State College

Brandon Hendrix (D.M.A., Composition, 2010) serves as director of instrumental and choral ensembles and department chair at Eastern Oklahoma State College in Wilburton, Oklahoma, where he resides with his wife and two children. In addition to teaching private lessons and conducting the college's Concert Choir and Concert Band, Hendrix is actively involved in the school's Performing Arts Series.


A portrait of Brandon Hendrix

Ellen Tanner presents exhibition at Art Museum of Southeast Texas

Nov. 30, 2017 | Art Museum of Southeast Texas

Ellen Tanner (B.F.A., Visual Art Studies, 2004) will present Fables, Families and Myths at the Art Museum of Southeast Texas in Beaumont from Dec. 16 through March 4. An opening reception is from 6 to 8 p.m., Dec. 15.


A painting by Ellen Tanner

Roja Najafi named curator of Oklahoma City Museum of Art

Nov. 30, 2017 | Art Daily

Roja Najafi (Ph.D., Art History, 2016) was announced curator of the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. She will curate the spring exhibition, The New Art: A Controversial Collection 50 Years Later.


Roja Najafi stands in front of a work of art

Performance as Public Practice Alumni and Faculty Shine at Dance Studies Association Conference

Nov. 29, 2017

The Department of Theatre and Dance's Performance as Public Practice featured an unprecedented number of alumni, faculty and current students presenting at the Dance Studies Association's (DSA) fall conference, “Transmissions and Traces: Rendering Dance.” Newly formed, DSA represents a merger of the Society of Dance History Scholars and the Congress on Research in Dance. Dr. Rebecca Rossen is currently the Editor of Studies in Dance History, the book series produced by the organization in collaboration with the University of Wisconsin Press. Alumna Clare Croft (Ph.D. 2010) will be taking over this leadership role when Dr. Rossen finishes her term.

Photo (L to R): Dr. Clare Croft (Ph.D., 2010, Assistant Professor at University of Michigan), Dr. Paul Bonin-Rodriguez (faculty), Dr. Rebecca Rossen (faculty), Dr. Angela Ahlgren (Ph.D. 2011, Assistant Professor at Bowling Green State), Meg Brooker (M.F.A. 2009, Assistant Professor at Middle Tennessee University), Christine Gwillim (Ph.D. student), Brianna Figueroa (Ph.D. student), Priya Raman (Ph.D. student). Not pictured, but present at the conference, Dr. Chuyun Oh (PhD 2015, Assistant Professor at San Diego State).

Group of faculty and alumni surrounding a table

Rachel Stuckey presents exhibition at Austin gallery

Nov. 17, 2017 | Women and their Work

Rachel Stuckey (M.F.A., Studio Art, 2016) will present the exhibition Good Days & Bad Days on the Internet at Women and Their Work in Austin from Nov. 18 to Jan. 11.


An old 1980s computer as art

Jonas Criscoe’s work on view at Dimensions Gallery’s Paved Garden

Nov. 17, 2017 | Dimension Gallery

Jonas Criscoe (B.F.A., Studio Art, 2006) has work in Dimensions Gallery's Paved Garden, a large-scale outdoor curated sculpture exhibit. It is a collaboration between Dimensions Gallery and the City of Austin's Cultural Arts Division. 


An art resembling a colorful Jenga game sits on a patio

Altin Sencalar chosen as Geri Allen Fellow at Detroit's Carr Center

Nov. 17, 2017 | The Carr Center

Altin Sencalar (B.M., Jazz Performance, 2017) was chosen for the inaugural class of Geri Allen Fellows through the Carr Center in Detroit.

Altin Sencalar playing the trombone

Alejandro Herrera to perform with in Dance Patrelle’s ‘Yorkville Nutcracker’

Nov. 17, 2017 | Dance Patrelle

Alejandro Herrera (B.A., Dance, 2015) will perform in Dance Patrelle's "Yorkville Nutcracker" in New York on Dec. 7-10 along with dancers from the New York City Ballet, Dance Theatre of Harlem and Broadway.


A poster for the Nutcracker Yorkville

James Sclater’s music featured at Mississippi Museum of Art

Nov. 17, 2017

James Sclater's (D.M.A., Composition, 1970) music was recently featured at the Music in the City series at the Mississippi Museum of Art in Jackson. 

James Sclater