Alumni in the News

Yesenia Garcia Herrington (M.F.A, Acting, 2007) is the recipient of the 2022 Kennedy Center American College and Theatre Festival’s (KCACTF) Uta Hagen Award

May 25, 2022

Yesenia Garcia Herrington M.F.A, Acting, 2007 is the recipient of the 2022 Kennedy Center American College and Theatre Festivals KCACTF Uta Hagen Award

Lydia Villarreal found Mariachi Orgullo, the first mariachi program in Richardson ISD

May 23, 2022 | Twitter

Villarreal (B.M., Music and Human Learning, 2016; M.M., Music Education, 2018), Orchestra Director at Berkner High School in Richardson, TX, started planning the program in the fall of 2021 and began the program in Spring 2022. During this first semester, Mariachi Orgullo received a first division rating at the Grand Prairie Mariachi Festival and has performed at various events in the community. The incredible interest from students and the success of Mariachi Orgullo has led mariachi to be offered as a class for the 2022-2023 school year.

 Lydia Villarreal found Mariachi Orgullo, the first mariachi program in Richardson ISD

Natacha Poggio earns Fulbright Scholar Award

May 23, 2022 | University of Houston Downtown

With her Fulbright, Poggio (M.F.A., Design, 2006) will head to Guayaquil, Ecuador — a port city known as a gateway to the Galapagos Islands — where she will be working with students at the Universidad de las Artes. Her dream is to empower students and community members to become informed environmental advocates.

Natacha Poggio earns Fulbright Scholar Award

Kimberley Bellflower’s "John Proctor is the Villain" rethinks "The Crucible"

May 12, 2022 | Washington Post

Bellflower's (M.F.A., Playwriting) new play imagines contemporary high school students considering the classic work through the lens of the #MeToo movement.

Kimberley Bellflowers John Proctor is the Villain rethinks The Crucible

Lance Letscher presents his work "Bird & Fishes" at Stephen L. Clark Gallery

May 12, 2022 | Sightlines Magazine

Letscher (B.F.A., Studio Art, 1985; M.F.A., Studio Art, 1989) is much regarded for his meticulously constructed collages. He sources material from a range of antique papers, discarded notebooks, magazines, photographs, schoolbooks, vintage technical publications, postcards, and record covers

Lance Letscher presents his work Bird & Fishes at Stephen L. Clark Gallery

Rachel Starbuck, Michael Muelhaupt and Jesse Cline present their art "fitting" at Northern Southern

May 12, 2022 | Sightlines Magazine

Starbuck (M.F.A., Studio Art, 2017) and Muelhaupt (M.F.A., Studio Art, 2017) are sculptors, materials experts, and educators. Cline (M.F.A., Design, 2016) practices and teaches design. They exhibit furniture, functional objects and art objects.

Rachel Starbuck, Michael Muelhaupt and Jesse Cline present their art fitting at Northern Southern

Minghao Tu will join Rattlestick as Van Lier New Voices Fellows

May 12, 2022 | Broadway World

Playwrights' Center also announced Tu (M.F.A., Playwriting, 2020) as a 2022-21 Jerome Fellow.

Minghao Tu will join Rattlestick as Van Lier New Voices Fellows

Oktavea LaToi's (B.A., Theatre, 2017) performance piece "I see you, you're seen" on stage at the VORTEX Theatre

April 27, 2022 | The Vortex

Kamyle Smith (B.A., Theatre and Dance, 2017) serves as assistant stage manager and Rachel Atkinson (M.F.A., Theatre, 2013) serves as scenic designer.

Oktavea LaTois B.A., Theatre, 2017 performance piece I see you, youre seen on stage at the VORTEX Theatre

Marta Sanchez celebrates the 30th year of Cascarones Por La Vida, a grassroots organization that has created handprinted confetti filled eggs with the community to assist families affected by HIV/AIDS

April 27, 2022 | NBC Philadelphia

Sanchez (B.F.A., 1981) also shares the art and philanthropy through the folkloric Mexican Cascarones offers an example of how important art is to the fabric of our society. 

Marta Sanchez celebrates the 30th year of Cascarones Por La Vida, a grassroots organization that has created handprinted confetti filled eggs with the community to assist families affected by HIVAIDS