Tell us about the classes you’ll be teaching this year.
I’ll be teaching the Longhorn Band, the UT Symphony Band and second-semester undergraduate conducting, as well as occasionally assisting with the graduate conducting seminar.
What attracted you to the Butler School of Music and The University of Texas at Austin?
I was attracted to BSOM first because I’m an alumnus of the university and second because this is one of the best music schools in the country. I feel extremely honored to be back here as a member of the faculty.
Your focus is wind conducting. Can you tell us more about how your professional pathway led to this focus?
I was a middle school and high school band director in the Austin and San Antonio areas for 14 years. Then I ran into a friend whom I hadn’t seen in years. This would prove to be a life-changing meeting because this led to an offer to audition for the graduate conducting studio at LSU. I was later accepted to LSU, where I earned my masters and doctorate degrees in Wind Conducting and taught on the faculty until I was offered the position here at UT.
What’s something that students and colleagues should know about you?
I have a deep passion for music and for people, so this is the perfect dream job for me. I’m always searching to know more about a piece of music and build stronger relationships with my colleagues and students. I teach people. Music is my chosen vehicle in which to do so. Not the other way around.
What do you enjoy doing when you’re not teaching/researching/working?
I’m a foodie so I really enjoy dining out and trying new recipes at home. I enjoy high-end restaurants, as well as hole-in-the-wall-type places. A great meal is like a great piece of music. Both have depth and complexity and are enjoyable experiences when done really well.