This month, the Planet Texas 2050 Symposium: Resilience Research in Action will convene University faculty, researchers, students and community stakeholders dedicated to advancing interdisciplinary research on climate resilience, adaptation and environmental justice. Multiple faculty members in the College of Fine Arts who received grant funding from PT2050 will represent the college in the symposium through workshops and talks. The symposium will showcase the collaborative efforts of PT2050 project teams and partners alongside other researchers exploring diverse aspects of resilience.
The event will take place at the William C. Powers Student Activity Center on campus Feb. 27 – 29. Some of the workshops and talks presented by College of Fine Arts faculty will include:
Artistic Response: Ecocentric Futures by Design Assistant Professor Jiabao Li
Tuesday, Feb. 27, 1:15-1:45 p.m.
Location: Legislative Assembly Room (2.302)Climate of Failure, Embodied Hope with Dance Associate Professor Leah Cox & Adam Rabinowitz (Department of Classics)
Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2-3:30 p.m.
Location: Black Box Theater (2.304)Butoh Ecologies Movement Workshop with Performance as Public Practice Associate Professor Rosemary Candelario
Wednesday, Feb. 28, 3:30-5 p.m.
Location: Outside the William C. Powers Student Activity CenterWorkshop Session: Towards a Sustainable Production Process led by Kate Freer
Thursday, Feb. 29, 9:30 a.m.
Location: Black Box Theater (2.304)Lightning Talk Cluster: Community-Based Research and Scholar Activism featuring Theatre Education Associate Professor Roxanne Schroeder-Arce's Mother Earth, Youth Activism, and Applied Arts
Thursday, Feb. 29, 1 p.m.
Location: Legislative Assemble Room (2.302)Talk Cluster on Data and Visualization Storytelling featuring Design Assistant Professor Cathyrn Ploehn's Visualizing Resilience at Festival Beach Food Forest & Theatre Assistant Professor Lara Dossett's Participatory Action Research for Climate Change Resilience: Co-creating and researching arts-integrated climate change curriculum in K-12 education
Thursday, Feb. 29, 3 p.m.
Location: Viz Lab in Peter O'Donnell, Jr. Building (POB 2.404)
The symposium is free and open to the public, but registration is required.