Associate Professor Rosemary Candelario
Department of Theatre and Dance
Dance Research Methodologies: Ethics, Orientations, and Practices, co-edited by Candelario and Matthew Henley
(Routledge, 2023)
Professor Charlotte Canning
Department of Theatre and Dance
Theatre and the U.S.A.
(Bloomsbury, 2023)
Associate Professor Eric Drott
Butler School of Music
Streaming Music, Streaming Capital
(Duke University Press, 2024)
Lecturer Howard Fine
Department of Theatre and Dance
Fine on Acting: A Vision of the Craft (Revised Edition, 2023)
Fine on Acting: A Vision of the Craft Interactive Workbook (2024)
Lecturer Eric Freeman
Department of Arts and Entertainment Technologies
Head First JavaScript Programming (2nd Edition) by Freeman and Elisabeth Robson
(O'Reilly Media, 2024)
Associate Professor Adele Nelson
Department of Art and Art History
Social Fabric: Art and Activism in Contemporary Brazil, co-edited by Nelson, Maria Emilia Fernandez and MacKenzie Stevens
(University of Texas Press, 2023)
Tecido social: Arte e ativismo no Brasil contemporâneo, co-edited by Nelson and Amy Sowder Koch
(Cultura Acadêmica Editora, Universidade Estadual de São Paulo, 2024)
Professor Moyo Okediji
Department of Art and Art History
Methodology, Ideology and Pedagogy of African Art: Primitive to Metamodern
(Routledge, 2024)
Professor of Instruction Guido Olivieri
Butler School of Music
String Virtuosi in Eighteenth-Century Naples. Culture, Power, and Music Institutions
(Cambridge University Press, 2024)
Marchitelli, Mascitti e la musica strumentale napoletana fra Sei e Settecento
(LIM-Libreria Musicale Italiana, 2023)
Professor Nassos Papalexandrou
Department of Art and Art History
Hephaistus on the Athenian Acropolis: Current Approaches to the Study of Artifacts Made of Bronze and Other Metals, co-edited by Papalexandrou and Amy Sowder Koch
(Archaeological Institute of America, 2023)
Associate Professor Laurie Scott
Butler School of Music
From The Stage to the Studio: How Fine Musicians Become Fine Teachers (2nd edition) by Scott and Cornelia Watkins
(Oxford Press, 2023)
Professor Emeritus Jeffrey Chipps Smith
Department of Art and Art History
Albrecht Dürer's Afterlife
(Lund Humphries, 2024)
Professor David Stuart
Department of Art and Art History
Spearthrower Owl: A Teotihuacan Ruler in Maya History
(Harvard University Press, 2024)