A Celebration and Launch of the Sharir and Sharir/Bustamante Dance Collection


Join the University of Texas Libraries and Department of Theatre and Dance in celebration of the Sharir and Sharir/Bustamante Dance Collection and the work and legacy of pioneering choreographer Dr. Yacov Sharir. We invite you to join us for panels exploring the necessity and process of dance preservation and archiving and the four decades of Sharir’s choreographic innovations and his synthesis of digital and embodied creation. Reception will follow.


The Sharir and Sharir/Bustamante Dance Collection: Dance Preservation, Digitization, and the Archive

A discussion with Ashley Adair, Libraries Digital Archivist; Anna Lamphear, Libraries Head of Digitization Services; and Colleen Lyon, Libraries Scholarly Communications Librarian moderated by Tina Curran, Assistant Professor in the Department of Theatre and Dance, and Katie Van Winkle, graduate student in the Department of Theatre and Dance and Libraries Archiving Assistant.


Innovation and Legacy: Yacov Sharir and Sharir/Bustamante Danceworks

A discussion with Carol Adams, member of the Director's Council for the Department of Theatre and Dance; Andrea Beckham, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Theatre and Dance; Sally Jacques, Founder and Director of Blue Lapis Light ; Sondra Lomax, Executive Director and Assistant Dean for Development and Lecturer; Charles Santos, Executive Director of TITAS; and Kate Warren, founder of Cafe Dance, moderated by Rebecca Rossen, Associate Professor in the Department of Theatre and Dance.



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Lectures and Talks Reception